My Heart for This Work

Led by Stacy Parks
Senior Spiritual Journey Facilitator

Theologians tell me that the first Chapter of John 1-5 can be interpreted as God
speaking creation into life. Let that sink in. God created life by speaking. That
message is powerful for me as I think about my work as a spiritual director and
about the work of Stillpoint - facilitating the formation of spiritual directors, and sharing contemplative gatherings where others can connect to the Divine and to
their communities. As companions we provide a space where our directees can
speak their truth. A space for others to give voice to their experiences of the
Divine, to voice their questions and their doubts, their joys and wonderings. In
our contemplative gathering and in spiritual direction we learn to notice the
voice within and trust that voice as we move through life, both in the larger decisions and in our navigating our daily lives.

Story of the Word

1 In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
2  The Word was with God in the beginning.
3  Everything came into being through the Word, and without the Word nothing came into being.
What came into being
4 through the Word was life, [a]
and the life was the light for all people.
5  The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light.

As we sit with others and they learn to notice that guiding spark within
themselves, do we join with the Divine to become a part of creating new life? As
our companions in our programs find deep holy connections and use their words,
their voices, it seems they are generating new life for themselves and their
fellow travelers who are sharing their journey. As God spoke creation into life, I
believe we give new life as we speak our truth from a place of wonder, hope,
and a sincere desire to know and be known by the Divine and each other.

In many of my groups and individual sessions this year folks have asked: How do
we view this war-torn world, this world of injustice greed and violence? It’s a
question I wrestle with that has prompted me to do some soul searching about
what I believe in relationship to the heartbreaking things that are going on in
our world. I believe we can only overcome the strong negative emotions that
prompt the wars and violence by increasing the love and light in the world, by
increasing our understanding of our fellow humans, and the earth around us.

In this month when we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I’m
reminded of his quote, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do
that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” As we listen to the
“words” of God’s beloved, as the children of God share their holy spark, do we warm our souls by the fire of their words? Are they warmed as we encourage their voice, their speaking? By listening and speaking do we drive out some of the hate and darkness?

Participating in the programs of Stillpoint, and working with my own director, provides fertile ground for me as I live into the light of God and learn to be light in this world. As children of God, I believe we speak healing into our world by sharing honestly with God and another willing listener. Healing that comes from sharing our stories and having them handled with care by a compassionate soul who helps us view them in the light of God’s love.

When I think of my time with my spiritual director, I know that it feels life-giving to me. Whether I am sharing a joyful encounter with the Divine, or a heart-breaking grief or disappointment, I find that looking to the Holy in each circumstance helps shed new light or life on the situation. My director helps me notice and go deeper into my experiences. When I have a difficult time connecting with the Divine, having another human to confide in, helps me unpack and go deeper. It helps me process those darker times.

My first experience with Stillpoint was the Spiritual Journey program. That time
for me was life changing, as I discovered other like-minded seekers. Folks on the journey, whose heart’s desire was and is to connect with God, to share with others, and to take those experiences into the world. Those connections continued into my Spiritual Direction formation, and more recently as I help facilitate the online Spiritual Journey Program and help Spiritual Directors find their voice and live into their callings.

Our goal in the Stillpoint community through the contemplative offerings and formation programs is to connect others with the Divine and their fellow seekers. By sending them into the world to share their light and walk with others who are navigating this joyful and heartbreaking journey, we hope to bring some healing to the world. Participating in the contemplative work of Stillpoint is a gift, and I hope you will join us in this Holy Adventure.




Stacy Parks is a retired Physical Therapist, and Stillpoint trained Spiritual Companion, working in the Ghost Ranch Art of Spiritual Direction Program and leading online Spiritual Journey Classes. She lives in Albuquerque, NM. Stacy also leads retreats for women, and helps facilitate a weekly contemplative service with her worshipping community. She has advanced training leading group spiritual direction, spiritual direction supervision, and IFS as a model in spiritual direction. She is nourished by the Sandia Mountains, her vegetable garden, journaling and centering prayer. She describes her faith as a joyous journey of inclusion, mystery and wonder.  Her goal in companioning others is to help them connect with and trust the voice of the Divine that lives within them.