Are you looking for a spiritual director or supervisor?

Locating and interviewing a spiritual director or spiritual companion is an important step in your spiritual journey. We encourage you to get in contact with at least three directors for initial conversations in your discernment process of choosing a director.

A spiritual director is a privileged witness in the spiritual unfolding of another person. The focus is on the relationship between the “directee” and God, rather than on the relationship between the director and directee.

People experience and respond to God/Spirit, or the Divine, in different ways. This is influenced in part by their life experience, their personality, and their cultural and religious backgrounds.

What happens in spiritual direction?

Spiritual directors listen carefully to the unfolding of their directees’ lives to help them discern how the Divine is leading them. A director and directee have regular one-on-one meetings (usually about an hour, once a month) to more deeply explore the directee’s spiritual journey. The focus of spiritual direction is discerning the movement of the Spirit in the life of the “directee.”

The term spiritual direction has a long, rich history, and it is still used today, even though the practice of spiritual direction consists much more of “holy listening,” rather than “direction” in the sense of offering guidance or direct advice.

Terms of Use

Each person listed here is individually responsible as a solo practitioner, and not employed by Stillpoint in their role as a spiritual director. By accessing and using this list to connect with a spiritual director, you understand and agree that Stillpoint is in no way responsible for the acts, omissions, or services of any of the members listed, and we make no guarantee that any individual here will be a good match for you.

You’re responsible for arranging meetings with, and making payment to the spiritual director. You’ll use this list and its info only for finding a director, not for any other type of solicitation.


Contact Stillpoint Marketing Coordinator, April Hunt