SEPTEMBER 13-20, 2025
You are invited to join Christopher McCauley and Frank Ramirez on the
Isle of Iona for a pilgrimage week of contemplation, spiritual experiences
and community.
For centuries, the Isle of Iona has been considered a sacred space set among the wild, wind swept Irish Sea, and by the ancient Celts and followers of Christ, to be a thin space between two worlds---the Cosmos and the Earth. St. Colomba established the Abbey in 563 CE, as part of the arrival and spread of Christianity in Scotland, and where today the progressive Iona Christian Community remains a thriving place. Celtic people, including Druid priests, were part of the history of this island of ancient stones, dating more than 2.9 billion years.
While on our pilgrimage, we will learn from teachings and experiences drawn from Celtic wisdom where Earth and every human being and thing are sacred and drenched in the holy and divine. Christopher will offer the wisdom teachings each day, joined by others who will facilitate our experience. Frank will offer group hospitality and experiential learning for our group as we share this time together.
We will begin each day in silence and meditation. A walk and breakfast will be followed by our morning teaching and practices. We will enjoy a delicious lunch, followed by free time in the afternoon to hike, meditate, explore the village and rest. We gather in the early evening for ritual, prayer and sharing. Dinner follows with a relaxing evening in or visiting the nightly service at the Benedictine Abbey. We will also make the sacred Pilgrim’s Walk to Colomba’s Bay, the place of sacred stones. We will enjoy a picnic lunch there in the wild.
We will live at Bishop’s House, founded by the Bishop of Argyll, in 1894. It faces the sea and is immediately adjacent to the Abbey. We have reserved the entire house for our group. The House includes the Chapel of St. Colomba, a library with open fire place, lounge, and dining room. There are a limited number of single and twin rooms, all with wash facilities. Convenient bathrooms and showers are on each floor. Bishop’s House consists of two stories and does not have an elevator. The Chapel is always open for prayer or meditation.
Pilgrimage Leaders
Christopher McCauley is a Spiritual Elder, companion to others as a spiritual director, retreat leader and spiritual teacher. He, along with his husband, Frank Ramirez, hosts international pilgrimages and retreats around the world. He lives in the mystical and contemplative journey of Christ and draws deeply from eastern wisdom traditions, including Buddhism and the Tao. He served as Stillpoint’s founding Executive Director for ten years.
Frank Ramirez is a veteran traveler and co-leader of international pilgrimages, including sacred journeys to Mexico, El Salvador, France, Italy, Turkey, Israel-Palestine and Jordan. He locates his spiritual journey in the Christian tradition and worships in the Episcopal Church, where he has served in leadership postions. He and Christopher live in Pasadena, California.

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