March 25 - 31, 2024
We invite you to join us as we experience the Passion of Christ in a new and deep way that allows us to encounter that within us which already lives beyond death in renewed intimacy with the Risen Christ.
+ The Holy Week liturgies “arise out of a ground of silence and are intended to be in counterpoint with that silence, not to displace it.
+ The liturgies include chants, readings, and silent meditation.
+ They were not originally conceived for public performance, as stand-alone ‘worship services,’ but as evocations of the more subtle transformative currents moving through Holy Week in a single interwoven tapestry.
Download Contemplative Holy Week Liturgy Notes HERE.
Join us for Centering Prayer daily (Monday - Friday) from 5:30pm - 5:55pm PT HERE.
MONDAY: 6:00pm - 6:30pm PDT
Conversation for Preparing for Liturgies
*view recording below
TUESDAY: 6:00pm - 7:00pm PDT
Preparatory Ritual of Ablution and Absolution
*view recording below
WEDNESDAY: 6:00pm - 7:00pm PDT
Anointing Ceremony
*view recording below
Maundy THURSDAY: 6:00pm - 7:30pm PDT
Liturgy of the New Commandment
*view recording below
11:45am – 12:15pm PDT
Holy Remembrance Silent Meditation
Good FRIDAY continued
2:30pm – 3:30pm PDT
Silent Meditation
3:30pm – 4:30pm PDT
Solemn Commemoration of the Passion
*view recording below
6:00pm – 6:30pm PDT
Entombment Liturgy (Vespers)
*view recording below
Holy SATURDAY: 5:30pm – 7:30pm PDT
The Great Vigil of Easter
*view recording below
Easter SUNDAY: 6:45am- 7:30am PDT
Sunrise Easter Festival Lauds
Zoom Meeting ID: 826 1482 7680
Daily Livestream & Recordings available on Facebook
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+ The liturgies “arise out of a ground of silence and are intended to be in counterpoint with that silence, not to displace it.
+ The liturgies include chants, readings, and silent meditation.
+ They were not originally conceived for public performance, as stand-alone ‘worship services,’ but as evocations of the more subtle transformative currents moving through Holy Week in a single interwoven tapestry.
The Tuesday evening ablution ceremony follows the classic monastic practice of creating an “intentional sacramental ‘vestibule’ through which one enters into the Holy Week passage with the heart consecrated and pure.”
The Wednesday evening anointing ceremony, borrowed from French monastic communities, focuses on Mary Magdalene and restores her central place in the Paschal Mystery.
The Holy Week liturgies also restore the central place of anointing both within the Holy Week celebration itself and as the quintessential sacrament of all Wisdom practice.
The liturgies continue with deeply contemplative Triduum services.
2024 Holy Week Presiders
Chris Ng
Elizabeth Rechter
Colleen Thomas
Ann Willms
Carolyn Ash
MJ Johnson
Krystle Hart
Felicia Murrell
Liturgies 2010, authored by:
The Rev. Ward Bauman, Director of the Episcopal House of Prayer, Collegeville, Minnesota
The Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, Ph.D., Episcopal Priest
Darlene Franz, D.M.A. freelance oboist, music educator, chant composer, Seattle, Washington.
2024 Contemplative Holy Week Recordings

Contemplative Liturgy Recordings

Grief and Gift
Ash Wednesday
The Black Madonna
Teresa of Avila
Hildegard of Bingen
Julian of Norwich