A Meditation
By Peter Hulit
The Art of Spiritual Direction Year 2 Faculty
This meditation was written by Peter Hulit, a member of the Stillpoint faculty, and was read to open the January session of The Art of Spiritual Direction Year Two. We encourage you to not just read it, but take a few moments to pause and engage in this as a practice in solidarity with all in Southern California living with the aftermath of the wildfires that have ravaged the land and so many lives. It starts with the breath . . .
Take a deep breath in, Hold for a moment, Let the breath go and fall into your body.
Take a deep breath in, Hold for a moment, Let the breath go and fall into your body.
Take a deep breath in, Hold for a moment, Let the breath go and fall into your body.
As we breathe together find a breathing pace that works for you.
Take a deep breath in, Hold for a moment, Let the breath go and fall into your body.
Take a deep breath in, Hold for a moment, Let the breath go and fall into your body.
Take a deep breath in, Hold for a moment, Let the breath go and fall into your body.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
We are in pain, We are numb, We are heartbroken, We are afraid.
We are brave, We are strong, We are generous. We are heroes.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Many in our community have lost homes filled with memories.
We hold them close, that the warmth of our hearts might comfort them.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
So many in Los Angeles are in deep loss and grief,
not yet able to comprehend how deeply the wound has been burned.
We are in the in the place of not knowing.
Where will we live? Are our loved ones OK?
What do we tell our children? When will it stop hurting so much?
How will we get through this?
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
So many of us have suffered from fire, from flood, from fear, from war, from politics, from
illness, and from loss.
How will we get through this?
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
Take a water, have this shirt, play with this toy, eat this taco from my truck, hold my
hand, cry on my shoulder, hold me close.
Come get what you need, stay through the night with me.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
The fires burned homes, but the fire in our hearts will burn bright again.
But when, But how?
This is only the beginning of the healing. How will we get through this?
Not yet the time to fix but the time to listen and to hold.
To hear the stories of our pain again and again until they no longer need to be told.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
Go ahead cry, and in that moment the tears pause listen for what’s ours to do?
And the tears will come again and again they will pause.
Listen again for what is ours to do.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
And in time our shed tears will fall to the ashen ground, and earth will absorb them
and what was once ash and tears will become nourishment for the land.
Our broken hearts will slowly heal but will never be the same.
Where we once suffered, We will dance again, perhaps with a limp but we will dance.
This is our hope. This is our prayer.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
How will we get through this?
All in its time.
First we cry, Then we comfort, Then we face what has been lost.
And listen to what Spirit calls us to do.
Pick up a broom, a shovel, a saw,
Or make food and drink, Or play with the children,
Or listen, and comfort those who still suffer.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
Perhaps if we listen in this moment we may hear a first step towards what is ours to do
In this next minute of silence be with all that is in your heart and perhaps you will hear
what is yours to do.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Breathe in, Breathe out. Listen.
[Pause for 1 minute of silence]
We ask for Spirits’ promise of hope and resurrection for ourselves, our family, our
neighbors, our community, our nation, our world.
We are connected, We are communal, We are one.
Peter is a lifelong seeker and late-life Episcopalian. He believes we are relational beings in a connected, evolving, non-dualistic world. Finding kindred spirits in gay liberation of the 70s; the epidemic of 80’s; New Age and ashrams in the 90’s; Men’s and Bodywork in the 00’ and settling into Stillpoint and bereavement work in the teens. God appears in many faces and places. Peter currently serves in the Welcome Ministry at All Saints Pasadena. He works with the Beyond Loss Bereavement Program at Glendale Adventist and facilitates online bereavement and care-givers support groups at All Saints Beverly Hills. Peter is involved with programs at Stillpoint and mentors with the ASD1 program. He has a private spiritual direction practice and lives in El Sereno with a husband and a cat.