Pathways to Wholeness


Dear Stillpoint Friends,

As our 40th anniversary celebration continues, we remain committed to nurturing those pathways to wholeness that are made possible when people stop to tell their stories to someone who will listen with curiosity, with wisdom, and with vulnerability.

As a board member at Stillpoint for over a year now, I continue to be amazed by how quickly Iam willing to open my heart up to sharing my joy and disappointment with my Stillpoint family, without any concern that my story will fall on deaf ears. With my Spiritual Companion and in online sessions with our community, I always feel safe and heard.

Recently, I got to attend our graduate program on Internal Family Systems. It was life changing for me. I discovered that all my inner critics ever really wanted to do were to become cheer leaders and advisors. In effect, they were just trying to help me set some healthy boundaries and discern who was safe. By telling my story in the safety of a supportive community, I discovered a pearl of great price—that is, through vulnerability and empathic listening, I can trust my instincts more and more when I take the time to be connected to a loving family who will not invade or abandon me.

The Divine Spirit always seems to be palpably present as we light a candle together in person or on Zoom and share compassion and acceptance with each other. Regardless of background, creed, racial identity, sexual preference, or any other perceived difference, nothing is ever allowed to impede our joining hands as we co-create meaning and value with each other.

If you have experienced this feeling of mutuality and acceptance like I have, then I hope you will continue to support our desire to offer these pathways to wholeness by donating generously this month for our 40th year celebration. We are committed to making our programs available and as affordable as possible for those who feel called to join us and for those in need of financial assistance to do so.

With Much Gratitude,
John Draper, Stillpoint Board Member


May God bless you and keep you,

May God shine light on you and be gracious to you,

May God turn toward you and give you peace!