Spaces for Discovery
“Dear Stillpoint Friends,
In May of this year, some of us spent a beautiful morning and afternoon in a one-day retreat led by our Stillpoint staff, exploring and sharing our spiritual stories with each other. What was most significant for some of us was how quickly we opened up to each other with a trust and vulnerability that usually takes years to develop with another human being. The quote above from Jim Finley offers a glimpse into what has been created here at Stillpoint, a space where vulnerability and openness have become a living practice that informs all that we endeavor to do–from the formation of spiritual directors to offering an opportunity to explore one’s own spiritual journey in community with others who desire a deeper relationship with The Divine. Today’s polarization in the public square has made such spaces more sought after than ever before.
As we approach our 40th anniversary next year, we are extremely grateful to Elizabeth Rechter for all she has done to create and hold that sacred space. During her eight years as Stillpoint’s Executive Director, she brought an abundance of gifts, energy, and vision to the role. Through her leadership Stillpoint’s reach has expanded with the addition of programs such as:
the Still Points offerings of Centering Prayer, Bio-Spiritual Focusing, Wisdom Chanting, and the Contemplative Liturgies;
the Wisdom in Practice program; and
the Eco-Spiritual Direction program
Most importantly, it was Elizabeth’s steady hand on the tiller that allowed Stillpoint to navigate the pandemic so smoothly. Elizabeth’s commitment to Stillpoint’s people, more diverse staffing, and inclusive programs, positioned us with a vibrant organization that will continue to live as her legacy. We will miss her insights and presence on a daily basis, but support her discernment, and wish her fair winds and following seas on the next phase of her journey.
Elizabeth Rechter
Of course, Elizabeth remains part of the Stillpoint community, as are each of you. You will continue to see her at the Still Points and other programs and events. We look to her future, and ours, with anticipation and in hope as we usher in the next generation of Stillpoint leadership with Christine Ng as Interim Executive Director.
We know that many of you would like to express your gratitude and appreciation to Elizabeth. Making a donation to this institution to which she dedicated the past eight years is one way to show that gratitude. There is a link for you to do that below.
In 1983 William Sloane Coffin reminded us that “the world is now too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love.” For the many who sense there is something more, something unspoken, something Divine in all of us, there is an urgent need to provide a way for those people to find the Still Point within themselves that knows beyond words that they are not alone. There is an urgent need for spaces where people are able to be open and vulnerable with each other, weaving connections that will enable the restoration and healing of ourselves, our communities, and our earth.
Your support will enable Stillpoint to provide more opportunities to more people to do this vital work, helping us offer more scholarships and staff support for our pilot California/online and our Ghost Ranch formation programs. Please Join Us!
Warmest Regards,
Stillpoint Board of Directors
“And may the blessing of God who made you, who loves you,
and who travels with you be with you now and always."