Supporting Spiritual Leadership

By Rev. Elizabeth Rechter, Executive Director

What goes on in those silent depths during the time of Centering Prayer is no one’s business, not even your own; it is between your innermost being and God... Your own subjective experience of the prayer may be that nothing happened—except for the more-or-less continuous motion of letting go of thoughts. But in the depths of your being, in fact, plenty has been going on, and things are quietly but firmly being rearranged. That interior rearrangement—or to give it its rightful name, that interior awakening—is the real business of Centering Prayer.
— CYNTHIA BOURGEAULT, from Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening

Dear Friends, 
As a practitioner of Centering Prayer myself, I have found this quote most helpful. It reminds me to trust God’s molding—below the surface, at my depths, in the silence, “plenty is going on.” 
It is the challenge of the work of Stillpoint to trust that all we offered this year—our day retreats with Judith Favor, James Finley, and Dan Horan; each of our individual Spiritual Direction practices; our formation programs, The Journey and The Art of Spiritual Direction, in Southern California and Ghost Ranch, New Mexico—are all part of the great rearrangement. We trust that helping people recognize and connect with God in their lives strengthens the human community. We trust it helps the world in which we live, even on the days it seems like nothing is happening, nothing is changing.

"Plenty is going on."
And this holy, healing work needs additional financial support in order for it to continue to thrive. While our day retreats had strong attendance this year (James Finley’s retreat welcomed 150 retreatants!), our Journey classes grew, and we celebrated 18 new graduates, costs continue to challenge us.

We depend on your generosity to sustain this good work. 

I ask you to consider making a contribution this month. Here are ways your gifts can help:

Thank you for being a prayerful part of the Stillpoint community, and for your financial support. It is a privilege to be part of this good work with you. 
With Gratitude, 

Rev. Elizabeth I. Rechter Executive Director, Stillpoint

Rev. Elizabeth I. Rechter
Executive Director, Stillpoint