Photo by Katie Rainbow via Unsplash

Photo by Katie Rainbow via Unsplash

Listening to the Sacred
Text of Your Life

Group Spiritual Direction for LGTBQI

July 13th - Nov 9th, 2024 Second Saturdays
10am - 12pm PT
Via Zoom


You are invited to join this brave space to listen deeply to your own journey with God with other LGBTQI spiritual seekers. Together we will nurture deep sharing, listen, heal and affirm your God created personhood while you learn the sacred practice of group spiritual direction.

Guided by Spiritual Director, Darlene Kawulok you will meet regularly for 2-hour sessions with four to six other participants. Each session will include a rhythm of prayerful silence and meditation, personal sharing by participants, followed by prayerful responses to what each participant shares.

Meeting frequency: once a month via zoom
Number of sessions: 5

Group will be capped at 6 participants.

Cost of Group

$175 for the five-session experience.

You may pay in full by the start date of the group or pay monthly. Payment details are below.

How to Sign-up

  1. CLICK HERE showing your interest to join. You will then receive a call from a group leader to answer any questions and explain next steps.

  2. Once both you and the leader agree the group is a good fit, you will be directed to make the full payment ($175) or set-up a monthly payment plan ($35/mo).

Leader Bio

Darlene Kawulok, CSJ ministers both in higher education as a theology professor and spiritual director journeying with individuals who are deepening their awareness and uniqueness created of God. Her interests explore the intersection of various spiritualities and how those spiritualities empower people to act on behalf of the good, true and the beautiful. She enjoys reading, learning Spanish and being staff to her two cats, Lyon and LePuy.