Practicing the Presence

October 22nd, 2023 - March 24th, 2024
Fourth Sundays
4:00pm - 6:00pm (PT)



Based on Brother Lawrence’s book “Practicing the Presence of God,” you are invited to listen deeply in the community of others to the “still small voice” omnipresent in every moment of your life. Join this brave space and learn what Paul meant to “pray ceaselessly” with every breath you take within this sacred practice of group spiritual direction. Accept the invitation by Jesus to follow Him as we intentionally keep company with God, become increasingly more aware of His presence, and learn to live within the rhythms of His everlasting love.

Guided by Spiritual Director, Jesse Burson, you will meet monthly for 2-hour sessions with five other participants. Each session will include a rhythm of prayerful silence and meditation, personal sharing by participants, followed by prayerful responses to what each participant shares.

Meeting frequency: once a month
Number of sessions: 6

*5 spaces available with preference given to those currently registered for existing group 

Cost of Group

$210 for the six-session experience.

You may pay in full by the start date of the group or pay monthly. Payment details are below.

How to Sign-up

  1. CLICK HERE showing your interest to join. You will then receive a call from a group leader to answer any questions and explain next steps.

  2. Once both you and the leader agree the group is a good fit, you will be directed to make the full payment ($210) or set-up a monthly payment plan ($35/mo). You can register and pay by clicking the button below.

Leader Bio

Jesse Roger Burson is a 61-year old man raised in Southern California without religious affiliation. He had a contemplative spiritual calling since childhood and learned to meditate 45 years ago. Jesse followed an inter-faith path of Sufism, Buddhism and nature-based spirituality until 7 years ago when he answered an inner call from Jesus to follow the Wisdom School teachings of Cynthia Bourgeault in the lineage of Jesus Christ. Jesse is a board member of The Contemplative Society, a Living School graduate and a graduate of Stillpoint’s Spiritual Direction, Group Spiritual Direction and Eco-Spiritual Direction programs. His Spiritual Direction practice is grounded on his inter-faith contemplative background focused on Sophia Perennis and practiced in Catholic and Buddhist monasteries, the Wisdom Schools of Cynthia Bourgeault and in deep solitude and silence listening to the “still small voice.”

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