Listening to the Sacred Text of Your Life
August 28 - December 25, 2022
Fourth Sundays
4:00pm - 6:00pm (PT)
This Group is FULL
You are invited to listen deeply in the community of others to the sacred text of your own life. Join this brave space which is held to nurture deep sharing and listening among fellow seekers while learning the sacred practice of group spiritual direction.
Guided by Spiritual Director, Jesse Roger Burson, you will meet regularly for 2-hour sessions with four to six other participants. Each session will include a rhythm of prayerful silence and meditation, personal sharing by participants, followed by prayerful responses to what each participant shares.
Meeting frequency: once a month
Number of sessions: 5
Group will be capped at 6 participants.
Cost of Group
$175 for the five-session experience.
You may pay in full by the start date of the group or pay monthly. Payment details are below.
How to Sign-up
This group has reached capacity. Registration link below is for participants already registered.
Leader Bio
Jesse Roger Burson is a 59-year old white native of Southern California currently residing on the California Central Coast. He learned to meditate 40+ years ago and spent most of his life following a varied inter-faith path mostly focused on Sufism and Buddhism until around 4 years ago when he answered an inner call to follow the teachings of Jesus. His Spiritual Direction practice is based on his inter-faith contemplative background focused on Sophia Perennis and most recently practiced in Catholic monasteries and at the Wisdom Schools of Cynthia Bourgeault.