Finding God in All Things

Listening to the Sacred Text of Your Life

October 4th, 2023 - February 7th, 2024
First Wednesdays
5:30pm - 7:30pm PT / 8:30pm - 10:30pm ET



As seekers, we come together to explore where God works in and through us on our life's journey. We support one another by listening deeply, sharing from the heart, and seeking to know what we don't already know. We gather in support of one another's spiritual journey.

The Examination of Consciousness, also known as the Examen, is a practice that lies at the heart of Ignatian Spirituality. This prayer invites us to listen to the events of our lives so that we can discern how God is moving in them. It guides us to recognize where the Sacred can be found in all areas of our lives. When practiced regularly, it can help us become more aware of God in the present moment.

You are invited to listen deeply in the community of others to the sacred text of your own life. Join this brave space which is held to nurture deep sharing and listening among fellow seekers while learning the sacred practice of group spiritual direction.

Guided by Spiritual Director Robby Francis, this group will meet regularly for two-hour sessions with four to six other participants. They will use the Examen to help them listen and discern God’s movements in the ordinary moments of their lives. Each session will begin with a version of the Examen, invitations for participants to share, and prayer responses to what each participant shares.

Meeting frequency: once a month
Number of sessions: 5

Group will be capped at 6 participants.

Cost of Group

$175 for the four-session experience.

You may pay in full by the start date of the group or pay monthly. Payment details are below.

How to Sign-up

  1. CLICK HERE for our interest form.

  1. Once both you and the leader agree the group is a good fit, you will be directed to make the full payment ($175) or set-up a monthly payment plan ($35/mo). You can register and pay by clicking the button below.

Leader Bio

Robby Francis has worked in ministry for almost 20 years and has served as a spiritual director for 10 years. His own spiritual life has been deeply influenced by both the Ignatian tradition and the practice of meditation and mindfulness. He has moved toward finding the Sacred in all things and accompanying others as they discern and deepen their experience of the Divine.

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