A Pentecost One-Day Retreat

led by Stillpoint

May 18th, 2024
9:30am - 2:30pm PT

This retreat will be held online and all sessions will be recorded for later viewing.

“Awe enables us to perceive in the world intimations of the divine, to sense in small things the beginning of infinite significance, to sense the ultimate in the common and the simple; to feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal.”
— Abraham Heschel

We invite you to gather with us to joyously celebrate Pentecost –a landmark moment that marked the start of a new movement that is still transforming us and the worlds we live in. If you are in need of a ritual, in community, to restart some area of your life, please join us.

 We will explore three movements within  this event:

  • A deeper grounding that  connects Spirit to Earth, moving from private to public and individual to collective

  • A stirring up, being amazed , confused –and becoming Beloved Community

  • Dancing with the potential invitation from these experiences-what is mine, yours and ours to do?

Come with an open heart, body , mind and soul to bathe and dance with the wind and Fire!! We will weave a variety of practices—movement, silence, journaling ,small and large group discussions to open our hearts and bodies to the Divine. And hopefully, leave with a renewed sense of hope, purpose and open to deep transformation.


9:30am - 12:00pm PT
Morning Session

Lunch/Screen Break: 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT

Centering Prayer: 12:00pm - 12:20pm

1:00pm - 2:30pm PT
Afternoon Session


$75 registration


Desta Goehner is a trauma-informed Spiritual Director, and works with faith leaders as they untangle the complexities of their spiritual life. With a background rooted in the ELCA Lutheran tradition, she brings a mystical perspective alongside certification as a professional Enneagram coach. Through the Enneagram, Desta offers a unique lens for spiritual direction, facilitating deep self-exploration and growth. Central to her practice is a commitment to examining the impact of race and caste on our daily lives and our connection with the Divine. She approaches conflict mediation, with a lens of the enneagram and a focus on racial equity, institutional racism, and structural racism, applying this analysis to foster inclusive and transformative environments within ministry, teams, and broader cultural contexts. More about Desta here: https://linktr.ee/destag


Ravi Verma is a spiritual director and has worked professionally with churches and lay leaders for over twenty-five years. Ravi’s passion is to work with individuals and groups to build bridges between parts of ourselves, with others and the cosmos based on our connection to the Divine. Ravi, born in India, now teaches at Stillpoint, and works with corporations, retreat centers, and non-profits on issues of spiritual development.  Ravi is a current member of the coordinating Council of Spiritual Directors International, the first global learning network of spiritual directors in history.